(a subsidiary of Brill Academic Publishers)
Editorial Office Nematology,
P.O. Box 346,
3700 AH Zeist,
The Netherlands
Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged. Each manuscript will bereviewed by two members of the Editorial Board or other recognisedauthorities in the field.
Electronic submissions are specifically encouraged. For the initialsubmission of manuscripts for consideration, hard copies aresufficient. For the processing of accepted papers, electronicversions are preferred. After final acceptance, your disk plus two,final and exactly matching printed versions should be submitted together. It is important thatthe file is saved both in the original format of the word processingpackage and also in rtf-format. Label the disk with the name of thecomputer and word processing package used, your name, and the name ofthe file on the disk, and the Nematology ms reference number.
Well-presented scripts, which conform to the journal's format and areinternally consistent in style are much easier to review and edit andtherefore likely to be published more readily. Observations and datamay be presented in the text, in Tables, or in Figures, but shouldnot be repeated; details of statistical procedures must be included.
Authors should send three copies, printed or typed, preferably withnumbered lines, double spaced with 30 mm margins. Papers must bewritten in English, French or German, and include a translation ofthe Summary into one of the other two languages. The Editors willarrange for this translation if this is requested by the authors.Pages should be numbered consecutively.
The first page will contain the title, the complete name(s) of theauthor(s), their professional postal and email addresses. Please,clearly indicate the author for correspondence. The second page willcontain a summary of no more than 150 words, and keywords or shortphrases, not including any used in the title. The text of themanuscript will begin at the next page and consist of anintroduction, without heading, and then Materials and Methods,Results or Descriptions, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References,Tables, Figure legends and Figures. Papers should be clearlystructured with headings numbered.
Taxonomic papers must include full citations of all works relevant tonematode descriptions, except those which are not the principalsubject of the paper. This is not usually necessary in generalresearch papers, although the principal organisms should be giventaxonomic authorities in the text. In taxonomic papers, slides withspecimens must be sent if requested by referees, and type specimensmust be deposited in at least one well-recognised internationalnematode collection.
References follow the Harvard System: begin with authors' names(lower case) and initials, year of publication, full title ofperiodical, volume and page numbers. E.g.:
Rahimi, S., Perry, R.N. & Wright, D.J. (1993). Identification ofpathogenesis-related proteins induced in leaves of potato plantsinfected with potato cyst nematodes, Globodera species. Physiologicaland Molecular Plant Pathology 49, 24-31.
Give book titles in full, with place of publication then name ofpublisher and number of pages. Theses are described as books. E.g.:
Bird, A.F. (1971). The structure of nematodes. New York & London,Academic Press, v + 318 pp.
For articles in books, give authors and article title, followed byIn: editors' names, book title, place of publication then publisher,and page numbers of article. E.g.:
Ferris, H. (1985). Crop loss prediction and modelling for managementdecisions. In: Zuckerman, B.M., Mai, W.F. & Harisson, M.B. (Eds).Plant Nematology Laboratory Manual. Amherst, University ofMassachusetts Agricultural Experimental Station. pp. 27-33.
References to abstracts should end with [Abstr.]
References to translations should list the title of the articlebetween square brackets [...]
Tables should be presented one per page, numbered as Table 1 (lowercase, arabic numbers) et seq.
Illustrations should be supplied as good quality photocopies,numbered as Fig. 1 et seq. and with a separate page giving the fulllist of figure legends, which should include any necessary keys tosymbols. Drawings, with clear cut lines, and high contrastphotographs (from prints or negatives) will be reduced to a maximumprinted page size 170 210 mm, including legend. Photocopiessubmitted should represent accurately the final printed figure. TheEditors will advise when and how to send original figures. Figurescan also be sent in electronic form (preferably PDF or TIF format).Scale bars on each figure or photograph should be included toindicate magnification/reduction. Colour plates can be printed ifauthors are willing to pay the additional printing costs: authorsshould discuss this with the Editors.
Authors must ensure they have the consent of all co-authors and anynecessary authority for submission. The script must not be submittedto any other journal whilst it is being considered for publication inNematology. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to assigncopyright to Nematology: The Editors will ensure that all reasonablerequests to reproduce articles are granted.
Authors are responsible for correcting any errors on the first proof,and reminded that the publisher reserves the right to charge forchanges made at that stage, other than to correct printer's errors.
Fifty offprints and/or a password-protected PDF-file willbe supplied with each article for personal use, free of charge.Additional offprints may be ordered with the order form, whichwill be sent to the author together with the proofs.
A system of ``Rush publication'' gives authors the option to shortenpublication time by paying a page charge. Please consult theEditorial Office or one of the Editors for detailed information on``Rush publication'' procedures.
There is no charge for regular publication in Nematology.
Copies of the detailed guidelines are available from the EditorialOffice at the address given above.