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Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric Coatings, Volume 2

Editor: K.L. Mittal

This volume documents the proceedings of the SecondInternational Symposium on Adhesion Aspects of PolymericCoatings held in Newark, New Jersey, May 25-26, 2000. Since the firstsymposium, held in 1981, there had been tremendous research activityrelative to the adhesion aspects of polymeric coatings.

Polymeric coatings are used for a variety of purposes. Irrespective ofthe intended purpose of the coating, it must adequately adhere to theunderlying substrate, otherwise delamination and other undesirablephenomena occur. So the need to understand the factors which influenceadhesion of polymeric coatings and to control it to a desirable level isquite patent.

This volume contains a total of 13 papers, which were all properly peerreviewed, revised and edited before inclusion. Furthermore, the authorswere asked to update their manuscripts, so the information contained inthis book should be current and fresh.

The topics covered in this book include: factors influencing adhesion ofpolymeric coatings; ways to improve adhesion; formation and relevance ofinterphase in practical adhesion; adhesion/cohesion in painted plastics;imaging of polymer surfaces; effect of substrate residue (smut) oncoating processes; surface treatment of metals and glass by silanes;surface modification of polyphenylene sulfide plastics; resin bonding indentistry; measurement of internal stresses in polymeric coatings;effect of steel surface composition on adhesion of paint; wet adhesionof coatings on wood; and modified tape test to measure adhesion ofcoatings.

This book will be of interest to everyone interested or involved in thearena of polymeric coatings. It should also provide some new ideas as tohow to control adhesion durability of coatings in differentenvironments.

2003; viii+204 pages
ISBN 90-6764-377-7
Price (all prices are subject to change without notice): EUR 125/US$ 179



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